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Litter "D"
born May 13, 2020

Lords Black Badin
RAG n (seal point)

Di aval Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG n 03 (bicolor seal)
posted with Mrs. Joanna's family
in Bydgoszcz
Dolce Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG a 21(blue point lynx)
she lived with Mrs. Dorota's family
in Warsaw
D aisy Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG a 03 (blue bicolor)
she lived with Mrs. Kornelia's family
in Elbląg
D raco S weet Cloud*PL
RAG a 03 21 (blue bicolor lynx)
he lived with Mrs. Justyna's family
in Warsaw
D 'Heidi Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG a 21(blue point lynx)
she lived with Mrs. Ewa's family
in Warsaw

I C Molli Jennifer World*PL
RAG a 03 21
(blue bicolor lynx)
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