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GIP Bafi Kate's Kitty*PL
(Grand International Premier)
RAG n (seal colourpoint)
born June 17, 2015
Father Alex Darlinlildols*CAN
m. Nice Ragissa*PL
FeLV/ FIV (-)(-) negative result
Bafi is our first ragdoll, thanks to him we fell in love with this wonderful breed. He is the eternal friend and uncle of all our cats
Class 10 (Premior certificates)
06/08/16. Sopot Ex1, CAP, NOM, BIS Mrs. Satu Hamalainen FI
07/08/16 Sopot Ex1, CAP, NOM, BIS Mrs. Dorthe Kaae DK
24/09/16 Bydgoszcz Ex1, CAP, NOM Mr. Dieter Filler CH
Class 8 (International Premior certificates)
25/09/16 Bydgoszcz Ex1, CAPIB, NOM, BIS Mr. Borys Lupan RU
29/01/17 Gdańsk Ex1, CAPIB, NOM, BOS Mrs. Olga Sizova RU
11/02/17 Riga Ex1, CAPIB, NOM, Mr. Yan Roca Folch FR
Class 6 (Certificates for the Grand International Premior title)
12/02/17 Riga Ex1, CAPIB, NOM, BIS, Mr. Eric Reijers CZ
29/07/17 Sopot Ex1, CAGPIB, NOM Mrs. Donatella Mastrangelo IT
30/07/17 Sopot EX1, CAGPIB, NOM Mrs. Stephe Bruin NL
14/10/17 Słupsk Ex1, CAGPIB, NOM Mrs. Marta Ziemiańska NO
15/10/17 Słupsk Ex1, CAGPIB, NOM Mr. Vladimir Isakov BY
11/11/17 Brno Ex1, CAGPIB, NOM Mrs. Daria Łukasik PL
Class 4 (certificates for the highest FIFe title - Supreme Premior
12/11/17 Brno Ex1, CAPS, NOM, Mr. Eric Reijers CZ
01/07/18 Sopot Ex1, CAPS, NOM, BIS Mr. Cristiano Federico Sandon IT
13/01/24 Gdynia CAPS, NOM, BIS Mrs. Britta Busse DE
14/01/24 Gdynia CAPS, NOM, BIS Mr. Mirosław Skotarczyk PL
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