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Litter "L"
Born 3/12/2022

CH Paola Jennifer World*PL
RAG a (blue colourpoint)
IC P.Okeanos Diamiland*PL
RAG n 21 (seal colorpoint tabby)

Sweet Cloud*PL lollipop
RAG n (seal colourpoint)
he lived in Elbląg with P. Natalia's family
Sweet Cloud*PL icing
urek blanket
RAG n (seal colourpoint)
he moved in with his family
P. Kinga in Ostróda
Likrecja Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG n (seal colourpoint)
lived in Olsztyn with P. Agnieszka's family
Sweet Cloud*PL bottle
cat ka
RAG a 21 (blue colorpoint tabby)
lived in Orliniec with P. Iza's family
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