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Litter "O"
Born 27/11/2023

GIC Molli Jennifer World*PL
(Grand International Champion)
RAG a 03 21

GIC P.Okeanos Diamiland*PL
(Grand International Champion)
RAG n 21

Olivia Sweet Cloud*PL
ko weave
RAG a 03 21 (blue bicolor tabby)
she moved in with Alex and his family in Gdynia

Sweet Cloud*PL obsidian
RAG n 03 21 (seal bicolor tabby)
he moved in with Mr. Mateusz
in Olsztyn

Oksa on Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG a 21 (blue colorpoint tabby)
she moved in with her family
P. Magdalena in Toruń

Onyks Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG n (seal colourpoint)
he lived with P. Natalia's family in Gdańsk

Opal Sweet Cloud*PL
RAG a 0 3 (blue bicolour )
he lived in Olsztyn with P. Kamila's family
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